Newsletter 3: February 5th, 2003

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February 5, 2003                                    Newsletter No. 3

Dear Club Member,

      This is a banner edition of our Newsletter because it announces that our Website is on line! I have been working with the fine folks at Hemmings Motor News for the past few months and they have put together our Website, with my input, all at no cost to us. We are allowed one update a month, which is most adequate.

The Website is You can also find it by going to and entering “Clubs and Museums.” Just enter “Glasspar” or the club name. I believe you will find it interesting, especially the History link. I put a lot of effort into making it the definitive history of the G2 and its designer, Bill Tritt. Bill has reviewed it, so it is accurate.

Two links will be updated periodically and those will be the Newsletter and the Members’ showcase. Our inaugural Showcase features John Knebel and his original G2. John recently told me that he was a personal friend of Air Force Major Ken Brooks, both serving together, and when he saw Ken’s “Brooks Boxer,” the very first G2, it inspired him to get one too.

Many members have asked me whether I would publish a Glasspar Club members’ list, or at least a list of those who have G2’s. I would like some feedback on that and especially from anyone who would not want your name on the Website, for our newsletters are on the Website. For now, a list can be made available to any active member.

As you may remember, in the last Newsletter I said that I was advertising my G2 for sale through Kruse Auctions. They did a great job of showing my car, but the response was meager and nowhere near the reserve that I had placed on it. Same thing when it was moved to eBay for two weeks. This was a good trial balloon for all of us, and shows that our Glasspar is still relatively unknown to the classic-car people. Our Website may do something positive in that area.

Speaking of Websites is one you will find most interesting. It is the site of Fred Roth of Thousand Oaks, CA, President of the Milestone Car Society of California and the absolute authority on the ’50s-era American sports cars, including our G2. He knows Bill Tritt, knew Woody Woodill and anyone else worth knowing in those days when so many American sports cars were born. He owns the only Series I Wildfire known to exist (out of two built), and it is shown on our Website in the “History” link.

In our last Newsletter I mentioned that our Smithsonian Glasspar was moved to the Suitland or “Silver Hill” storage facility and might be viewed. Roger White, Director of Transportation Collections at the Smithsonian, advises that these cars are not open to the public, but if you contact him ( or 202-357-2401) he will arrange for you to see the Glasspar. Roger also advises that the new exhibit, “America on the Move,” will not open until December 2003.

Again, those of you that have not sent me a Data Sheet on your car, or updated the one you sent, please do so ASAP.

I do want feedback on these Letters and our new Website, so drop me a line.

With best regards,
Bill Hoover, Registrar


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